2021 African Radio Interferometry Winter School
28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Free online workshop presented by the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), in collaboration with the Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technology (RATT) and Cavendish Laboratory and Kavli Institute for Cosmology in Cambridge / REACH project
Guest speakers
Dr Eloy de Lera Aceda – A presentation on the REACH telescope and science
Prof James Chibueze – Black hole jets bent by magnetic fields
The African Radio Interferometry Winter School focuses on the theoretical and introductory tutorial aspects of radio interferometry. The introductory level of the workshop makes it well suited to students and young professionals, as well as scientists and engineers interested in acquiring a basic working knowledge of radio astronomy.
The workshop is wholly a remote attendance workshop that will be presented over 5 days running from 9am to 6pm — timezone Africa/Johannesburg (UTC + 2).
Remote lectures will be presented via webinar with Q&A sessions after each presentation, as well as discussions sessions as necessary.
Practical hands-on exercises are provided via Google colab python notebooks and will be self-education based and completed at the attendees own pace. All tutorials use MeerKAT public data or other public training data sets.
Topics covered in this year’s workshop
- Flagging, calibration and imaging of continuum and spectral line data
- Time domain pulsar sciences
- Extracting information from astronomical data and interpreting the results
- Introducing to radio astronomy data processing
- Hands-on projects to challenge participant’s problem solving skills