© 2024 IAU General Assembly 2024 – Cape Town
This will be a packed event that we are sure will make it worth your while to participate in. Below is an overview of the programme (with an interactive version coming as soon as participants and respective session programmes are finalised). There will also be “unconference sessions” on the side which will allow for talks to be proposed and voted upon by participants during the event, ensuring a dynamic component that caters for current trends/interests and the very latest scientific developments.
IAUS 389 Gravitational Wave Astrophysics
IAUS 390 A Multi-Point view of the Sun: Advances in Solar Observations and in Space Weather Understanding
IAUS 391 The first chapters of our cosmic history with JWST
IAUS 392 Neutral hydrogen in and around galaxies in the SKA era
IAUS 393 Planetary Science and Exoplanets in the Era of James Webb Space Telescope
IAUS 394 All-inclusive AGN
FM 1 Harnessing ground-based optical telescopes: an opportunity for emerging astronomy in Africa
FM 2 A Coherent View of Atomic and Molecular Gas from Infrared to Radio Wavelengths
FM 3 Follow-up observations of small bodies in the Solar System in the era of large discovery surveys
FM 4 Bridging the final stages of massive stars to supernovae and transients
FM 5 The future of radio astronomy in an increasingly crowded spectrum
FM 6 History of Astronomy in South Africa: The Late Modern Period
FM 7 New Horizons at the interface between Computational Astrophysics and Big Data
FM 8 Advances and Challenges in Understanding the Solar and Stellar Dynamos
FM 9 Measures of luminous and dark matter in galaxies across time
FM 10 Teaching capacity of remote observing facilities for the Universities and High Schools
FM 11 Multi-wavelength Astrometry
FM 12 The High-Energy Gamma-ray Universe: Results and perspectives with wide-field ground-based facilities
WG1 Global Coordination of Ground and Space Astrophysics
WG2 Junior Members
WG3 Women in Astronomy
WG4 Astronomy for Equity and Inclusion
WG5 Professional-Amateur Relations in Astronomy
WG6 Dark and Quiet Sky Protection
Division A Fundamental Astronomy
Division B Facilities, Technologies and Data Science
Division C Education, Outreach and Heritage
Division D High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics
Division E Sun and Heliosphere
Division F Planetary Systems and Astrobiology
Division G Stars and Stellar Physics
Division H Interstellar Matter and Local Universe
Division J Galaxies and Cosmology
IAU Offices Institutional Meetings
OAD Office of Astronomy for Development
OAO Office for Astronomy Outreach
OYA Office for Young Astronomers
OAE Office of Astronomy for Education
CPS Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference