The detailed programme is now available on the Oxford Abstracts conference platform.

You will need to be log in to Oxford Abstracts using your registered email address. Note that access to the full programme is only available to paid and registered participants. A public version of the programme is available for unpaid participants and the general public.

  • you will be able to view the programme by day and filter each day’s programme by session and contribution type (oral talk or poster)
  • to search all days, use the ‘Search conference’ field at the top; you can search by abstract title or author name or session name
  • you can bookmark sessions you want to attend and they will appear in the Bookmarks menu on the left; you can also add sessions to your calendar
  • click on a session to see the detailed schedule as well as the abstracts for the session (select an abstract to view its details)
  • you can download the full programme (using the download icon at the top)
  • further instructions available on the Oxford Abstracts help pages