© 2024 IAU General Assembly 2024 – Cape Town
There have been instances when participants have kindly offered to donate their registrations or offered to sponsor the registration of others in need. If you would like to donate your registration or pay for someone else’s registration (thank you!) then…
1. Send us an email to info@astronomy2024.org and let us know:
(i) what registration you would like to contribute (e.g. virtual, student, in person, etc)
(ii) what region of the world would you like the person to be from (if you have a preference)
(iii) what demographic are you keen to support (e.g. early career/student; retired; women in astronomy; etc – if you have a preference)
2. We will then look through all the grant applications that have been assessed and we will propose to you a person based on your possible preferences, who would benefit from your support.
3. If you are happy with them then we will put you in contact (if you wish to be in contact)
4. You can then purchase the ticket for them from your dashboard on Oxford Abstracts and simply using their name and email (which we will send you if you do not wish to meet them personally)
5. We would love to thank you on this webpage with your permission. If you wish to be acknowledged we will add your name (and/or a message/tribute that you would like to make) at the bottom of this page.