Resolutions to be Voted on at the Upcoming XXXII General Assembly
Resolutions to be Voted on at the Upcoming XXXII General Assembly
Every three years, in coordination with the IAU General Assembly (GA), the IAU membership has the opportunity to make recommendations on scientific, administrative, and financial matters that have a broad and significant impact on the Union and the astronomical community as a whole.
Three resolutions will be presented for voting on 7 August and 14 August of this year, during the Business Sessions of the XXXII IAU GA in Cape Town, South Africa. The IAU Resolutions Committee has now approved the proposals of these three resolutions, which are as follows:
- Resolution I for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from harmful interference by satellite constellations
- Resolution II to establish a standard Lunar Celestial Reference System (LCRS) and Lunar Coordinate Time (TCL)
- Resolution III on the establishment of a coordinated lunar time standard by international agreement
Voting will be accessible to both online and onsite participants of the General Assembly. After the Resolutions have been presented at the first Business Session on August 7, 5:15 pm (UTC+2), the voting will open for the duration of the second Business Session on August 14, 5:15 pm (UTC+2) and until 6:30 pm.
The texts of the three resolutions can be accessed via the links above.
More information
The IAU is the international astronomical organisation that brings together more than 12 000 active professional astronomers from more than 100 countries worldwide. Its mission is to promote and safeguard astronomy in all its aspects, including research, communication, education and development, through international cooperation. The IAU also serves as the internationally recognised authority for assigning designations to celestial bodies and the surface features on them. Founded in 1919, the IAU is the world’s largest professional body for astronomers.
Claus Leitherer
Chair IAU Resolutions Committee
Lina Canas
IAU Membership Coordinator
Email: /
Guido Schwarz
IAU Press Officer